Thursday, May 25, 2006


New Stuff

Here are two pictures that just about summarize my spare time: Drinking fresh juice while enjoying an air-conditioned climate; and watching a sheep being slaughtered on the banks of the Nile. If you have never watched a sheep being taken apart piece by piece with one small knife, I highly recommend it- fascinating stuff. Although, I did get quite a lot of flak from one of my friends for grabbing a lawn chair to watch the process a little more comfortably...
I have now moved 5 times, this time the place is a lot nicer and COOLER with a gorgeous view- pictures will appear soon.
I recently had my fortune told by a diviner who can read shells. He told me a lot of (detailed)stuff from my past that he would never know, so I was inclined to believe his predictions for the future. The most frightening one is that he knew I had been feeling sick for a while- he told me that the pain in my stomach is caused by the "evil eye." Now, I am not one to believe in such stuff but based on the aforementioned information he had, I was nearly worked up into a frenzy. I didn't sleep for most of the night thinking about this damn evil eye, and the next day I promptly set to researching how to rid myself of it. I ended up going to the souq and buying a chain with a hamza caffe on it to protect me from future damage. However, it does not get rid of the old evil eye. I have to get some black seeds for that...

Gee Willickers, I'm thinking of going over to my friend Georgina's farm where she has a barn of sheep and seeing about the possibility of her dad carrying out a wee slaughter just so I can see what all the fuss is about. There must be something to it. Humans were dragging sheep up to the Mount ages ago..there's no Mount at Gina's farm but they do have a fairly large pile of hay... maybe we'll make a day out of it. What else is one to do in the heart of agricultural Ontario??????

Your blog rocks
unfortunately I am eating lunch at my desk as I read this entry...but I'm sure observing sheep slaughter is a great passtime otherwise! Hope your tummy is feeling better soon...
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